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The 3 Secrets to Landing Big JV Partners.

The 3 Secrets to Landing Big JV Partners

Such! You’ve got a great product. In fact, there’s never been another product like yours in the history of the world. Your product is going to sell like SANGBUSTERS because, well, 9ecause you just know it will. Because t has to. Because you just sunk the ast 6 months and several thousand dollars into building the product, but, t’s going to all be worth it as soon as these stupid, snobby, too-good-to-talk(o-you big shot marketers come down off of their high horses and promote it FOr YOU.


Okay, maybe that’s not exactly how VOU see”

Sut you do believe you’ve got a great oroduct that will sell well, and you
Yeah. Right.

remember all too well how hard it Nas to get anyone to take a look at my offer, much less promote it for me nhen | was new. And do you know nhy? It’s because like almost every yew marketer out there, had it yackwards.

Imagine a man knocks on the door of 4 woman he’s never met before. She »pens the door a crack to see who it is ind realises she doesn’t know him ‘rom an axe murderer. Through the srack in the door he says to her, “Hi 3aby, | have a fantastic deal for you! ‘m going to do you a huge favor by getting you drive me in your car to an =xpensive restaurant where you’ve nade reservations for us. I’m going to et you buy me dinner with cocktails and a bottle of wine, and afterwards I’ll let you take me to an expensive 3roadway show that’s booked six months in advance. And after that, I’ll let you an even bigger favor and let you sleep with me. What do ou say?’

Seriously, what do you think she’ll say 0 this stranger at her door? | suspect she slammed the door shut when he jot to the part about the expensive restaurant and reservations.

And yet new marketers take this exact same approach all the time when asking established marketers to act as heir affiliates or JV partners.

Hi Joe Marketer, | have a fantastic deal for you! I’m going to do you a vuge favor by letting you devote several days of your precious yromotional schedule to selling my oroduct to your list and followers. Sure, you don’t know me, you don’t
Jo for a total stranger, right?”

Now imagine receiving one or even several of these requests every day. Is t any wonder that seasoned marketers stop answering their email, and new marketers have trouble Jetting an one to eromote for them?

_It’s go back to the guy and gal analogy. What if that guy were to come up to the woman — not at her front Joor, but at work — and simply introduce himself and maybe thank er for something she did at her job? Maybe he comes back in a couple of Jays and comments on something she wrote or asks a relevant question. 4e starts following her on social nedia and engaging her there.

A little bit of interaction here, a little bit ‘here…

Then maybe he does something nice or her — shares one of her links, tells 1is Facebook Fans about her business – or he simply buys one of her products. She’s starting to take notice of him. He’s not scary and in fact he seems like a nice guy. What’s this? He’s got a website. She checks it out. 4mm… this might be someone north getting to know better.

The following month or maybe the ‘following year, what happens? She’s sromoting his product. Or maybe she’s Not, but maybe she introduced him to a friend of hers that’s an even better fit ‘or a joint venture.

You already know the point I’m getting 0 here — don’t pounce on strangers and expect them to do you a huge ‘avor when they don’t even know you. And yes, promoting your product is indeed a huge favor.

The 3 Secrets to Landing Big JV Partners:

1. Build the relationship before asking for the favor, whatever that favor might be. (You already knew that, right?)

2. Build your own audience through social media, list building and so forth. Then when your product is ready to launch, launch it to your list first. Take note of the click through rates, conversion rates and refund rates. Now you’ve got something to tell potential affiliates and JV partners other than, “I think this will sell well.”

3. Realise that not everyone is going to promote your product, no matter how good you are at building relationships first. Maybe they only promote their own products. Maybe they just dont think your product is a good fit for their list. Maybe they’re having a bad day/week/life. Don’t worry about it. If you build enough relationships with others, you’ll find that some promote, some don’t and it’s all good.

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