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Do You Have a Million Dollar Journal Yet?

Do You Have a Million Dollar Journal Yet?

One little notebook could be worth a
million dollars to you. Or more.

Here’s how…

Keep track of everything you do and especially all of your ideas. When you start something new, keep a running record of what you’re doing and how you’re doing it.

Two things will happen:

First, you’ll have more and more ideas, and better ideas, too. The simple act of writing ideas down drives your subconscious to create more ideas. Review your ideas weekly and find the gems. Test out the best ones, choose One and run with it. It could be a million-dollar business.

Second, teach others how to do that business. If you find an awesome new way to build an email list, build your own lists and then teach others to do the same. If you discover how to launch a product from start to finish in 3 days, teach others to do the same.

Keep your notebook with you at all times. Write in it when the mood Strikes, and even when it doesnt. Resort to an online journal only when necessary. There’s something about the brain and handwriting connection that inspires more creative thinking than simply tapping keys.

So, do you have your million dollar journal yet?

If not, get one and get started. Here’s one | found on Amazon:


Your future self with thank you for it!

Top Online Business Questions & Answers:

Top Online Business Questions & Answers :

I get alot of questions about how to build a business online. Here’s some of the top questions and answers to help you get your own online business started and profitable.

Q. I keep hearing that I’ve got to get people to know me, like me and trust me before they’ll buy from me, but how do I do that?

A. You’ve got two choices, and | recommend you do both. First, position yourself as an expert in your field. If you’re not an expert, surround yourself with experts by interviewing them, letting them guest post to your blog and working with them. Second, be generous. Give away great content that instills confidence in your abilities and expertise that builds your reputation. Offer free tele-classes or podcasts, guest post on popular blogs with info-packed posts, and author a book or report.

The better your free contentis, the
more people will trust you and your
content. As an added bonus they’ll also be more likely to share your
content with others, thereby helping you to build your reputation and your following.

Q. Is there a way to reach a wider audience while simultaneously delivering more value to my current customers?

A. You might consider lining up some partnerships or joint ventures in your niche. First, make a list of the areas your customers are interested in. You’re not looking for direct competition here, but rather complimentary sub-niches. For example, if you teach how to do Forex with a certain method, your customers will likely be interested in how to trade on Forex with other methods, and even how to invest in other areas besides the Forex market.

Once you make your list of areas, choose an expert in each that you’d like to partner with. Go online to get their contact information and then approach them with a win-win-win reason of why they should partner with you. They should benefit, you should benefit and of course your customers need to benefit as well.

Do something together that you can offer to both your customers and your partner’s customers, whether it’s a free webinar with an offer at the end, or
creating a series of videos together, or
even creating a new membership with a free introductory period. This will
add value to your customers and
theirs, as well as expanding your reach to a wider audience.

Q. I’m just a newbie in my niche – how do I approach the “big dogs” and get their attention so they’ll partner with me?

A. Two words — help them. Comment on their posts, share their stuff through social media, ask if you can re-post their work to your blog, etc. Find a way to be of service to them so that you can get on their radar and start building a relationship for the long haul.

Note that the bigger the person you’re targeting (IE: The larger their following and the greater their influence in your market) the longer it’s going to take to attract their attention as someone they might want to work with. It’s recommended that you begin by targeting more accessible people and work your way up to the giants of your industry.

Also, consider writing a book, devoting one chapter to each “big dog” you are targeting. In this manner you can make friends with these players, and some of them will actually end up promoting your book to their audience.

Q. I keep hearing that I need to “have a story” to share with prospects. What does this mean?

A. In a marketing context, ‘your story’ is what led to you doing what you do today. For example, someone who teaches basketball techniques may have been a lousy basketball player themselves until they learned and mastered certain fundamentals and techniques that caused them to become an all star player. In a nutshell, that’s their story. Of course they’re going to want to embellish with details, such as how rotten they felt when they got laughed at for missing the easiest of shots.

The purpose of having your own story and sharing it with your readers is to make a connection. Someone having trouble making the junior varsity basketball team wants to know you went through some of the same trials and tribulations they are experiencing. This bonds them to you and causes them to be far more receptive to your message. Remember, “birds of a feather flock together.” Once they realize you’ve been through the same struggles they’re currently going through, and that you not only persevered but overcame, they’ll want to know exactly how you did it.

Q. But isn’t that manipulating them?

A. Not at all. You are showing that you have indeed walked in their shoes, experienced their problems and found a solution that works.

I heard a story once that illustrates this beautifully. Imagine you’re in a foreign country and you don’t speak the language. For days you’ve been struggling to understand and be understood. Then all of a sudden someone says hello to you in your language, and asks how you are. How would you react? No doubt you’d rush up to that person and start talking, feeling that you finally are making a connection with someone. imagine the relief you would feel, finally being able to communicate, to understand and most of all to be understood.

Telling your story does the same thing – itcreates a bonding connection that lets the prospect know that you understand what they’re going through because you’ve experienced the same problems they have.

Q. If I want to create a product or success system based upon my own personal experiences, how do I go about that?

A. If you’ve become really successful at something, you have a ready-made product you can sell to others who want to master that same skill. Here’s how to get it into product form: Recall where you were at the beginning of your success. What was the first thing you did? The second? Write down everything that you did and put it into Step-by-step form.

Now you’ve got the __ number of steps to accomplishing __. Name it something appropriate, get the domain for that name and start marketing it. You could do it as an ebook or audio/video course, or you could offer it as a series of webinars or even one-on-one coaching. Each step will represent one chapter in your book, or one webinar, or one coaching session.

HOT TIP: You can use this exact same process to partner with anyone who’s mastered a skill others want to learn. Interview them extensively to discover exactly how they reached their success and then create the product based on the interviews. Split the profits with the expert and rinse and repeat with more experts or the same expert and different topics.

Q. I avea rien an e owmar eter who’s continually writing posts for other people’s blogs. | think she’s foolish because she’s giving away her valuable info on other blogs instead of using it on her own to boost her standing in the search engines. She Says it’s worth it because she’s getting new prospects through her guest posts. Who’s right?

A. You both are correct, to a degree. While it’s true that placing her best content on her own blog may help to get her site ranking in the search engines, SEO is always a gamble. On the other hand, guest posting on popular blogs practically guarantees exposure to new prospects as well as new alliances with the blog owners.

When your friend guest posts, she’s hopefully targeting blogs that already receive plenty of traffic interested in her particular niche. This will help her to gain exposure to new audiences and get her endorsed by leaders in her field (the blog owners).

Q. I’ve contacted blog owners about being a guest blogger for them, but because I’m new in the niche | don’t get much response. What can I do?

A. Begin by posting repeatedly in their comments section. Join in the conversation, add relevant comments, ask good questions and answer other people’s questions. Hyperlink your name to your website to get new visitors (this is automatic when you fill out the comment form – just be sure to fill out the website URL box as well as your name, and your name will become a hyperlink to your URL.)

Use a catchy, memorable photo on all of your posts. Register your email address along with your photo at: http://en.gravatar.com

By taking part in the community, the blog owner will likely notice you and will be far more receptive next time you offer to do a blog post. In addition, visitors to the blog will also begin to recognize you and visit your blog as well.

Q. I write a newsletter, but lately I get the feeling that no one is reading it. What am I doing wrong?

A. You may need to get back in touch with your market to find out what it is they want to know. Go to forums and watch social media to find out what they’re talking about and especially what they’re asking. Ideally you should be answering their questions and helping to solve their problems, because when you do that they will read every word of your newsletter.

Q. I HATE writing headlines and subject lines, and | don’t like using headline templates. Any ideas?

A. Interestingly enough, your best headline is often buried inside your copy or your email. You already know all the best selling points about your product, how best to present it, who your target market is, and how to craft the best call to action. So forget the headline, write your copy or email, and then go back and reread what you just wrote. Oftentimes you’ll find your jewel of a headline right there inside your copy, just waiting for you to pluck it out and place it at the top.

Simple Business Models You Like to Write

Simple Business Models You Like to Write.

There’s a gal I know who never, ever promoters affiliate products to her list..she simply won’t do it, instead, she only promotes her own products.

Every day she writes and sends out a new email to her list.

And for 3 to 5 says she’ll promote just one product. Then when she’s done promoting that one, she’ll move on to the next one for 3 to 5 days.she’s continually creating new product and she also promotes the same products multiple times.

Let’s say she’s got 20 products. If she pramots each one for 4 days, then she doesn’t repeat a product promotion for 80 days.

She has no complicated autoresponder sequence because she doesn’t need them. And her emails are conversational and fun to read.she shares stories, anecdotes, case studies, humor, news and things that are controversial or edgy.her readers never know what to expect in the next email but they always know it will be entertaining.

Har conversion rates are high, her returns our next to zero and her list loves her because she doesn’t bombard them with affiliate products.

If creating 10 or 20 or more products is scary to you,if might work best to just focus on one at a time and set a goal to create a new one each weak. You could presell them to your list,too, so that you know which on will be hot sellers and which ones you shouldn’t waste your time on.

She also offers, coaching and she does quite well with that, too, it’s simply and other product in her rotation. She also sells a monthly newslette.

And once she’s promoted one of her to the point where it’s not selling as well, she turns around and sales the PLR rights to that product.

people who are new to her list are exposed to all of her products in the first 2 to 3 months. If they don’t buy something the first time, they often buy in the second or third time it’s promoted to them, and she never promotes the same product in the same way. Every email is new and fresh and oftentimes tied to the events of the day.

One thing she doesn’t do that I might suggest is to offer her best selling products to affiliates to sell. But then again, I think she really enjoys the simplicity of her system and doesn’t want to deal with affiliate, so more power to her.

Plus, her list knows that the only way they can access her products is directly through her.

I’m running out of things to tell you about her system because it really is that simple.is you enjoy writing emails and creating products and you don’t want the hasslethis simple system might be exactly what you’ve been looking for and competition of selling affiliate products, these simple system might be exactly what you have been looking for.

How to Add an Almost Instant Five Figures to Your Business While Changing Lives .

Imagine a business that can make you 4.5 or 6 figures for year,takes very little time to run and has the power to change your life in dramatic ways above and beyond the extra income. This is the crazy but true story of perhaps the best business model in the world. Running Mastermind Groups.

I’m going to assume you’re an online marketer you’ve probably got a sales funnel or you’re building one. If it’s like most sales funnels, you’ve got in expensive products on the frontand and hopefully more expensive products on the backend.

Here’s my question about yourself funnel-do you have a flagship product? Something for which you charge serious money?something that really, truly CHANGES people’s lives for the better? and if not, then why not?

I’ve mentioned before that if you don’t have a big, expensive flagship product, then you can create one in a day by offering coaching some people who are new to coaching like to charge $ 200-$ 300 a month. More experienced people who are confident they can get their clients results are able to charge 10 times this amount and more.

Coaching is awesome for getting people results, and if it’s right for you, then I suggest you do as much coaching as makes you happy and prosperous. But the fact is coaching isn’t for everyone. You might not feel comfortable coaching, or you might not want to spend the time working with pupil one-on-one . Or you might want something different then coaching, something that has the potential to dramatically change the lives of a group of people while taking pressure off of yourself to perform.

For you, I’d like to suggest starting one or more mastermind groups. Masterminds can take less of your time then coaching, require less exparties then coaching and can potentially earn you as much or even MORE than coaching.

What is a mastermind group?

Loosely speaking, a mastermind is a select group of people who meet regularly in person or through video conferences to share ideas help each other overcome challenges, keep each other accountable and achieve their goals.

Napoleon Hill coined the term “Master Mind” and defined it as..…. A coordination of knowledge and effort in perfect harmony, between two or more people for the attainment of a definite purpose.”

Hill survyed hundreds of the most successful people in the world and found that may many of these people attributed their successes to being in such a group. The most notable of these people was Andrew Carnigue, who attributed his entire fortune and success to his mastermind group.

Mastermind groups aren’t just for the reach and famous, either Almost any group of people with a common interest or niche can benefit from a mastermind group. Here are three examples, but really the possibilities are nearly endless.

Children-there are could be masterminds for new parents, parents of children of a certain age, parents of children with particular challenges, new empty nesters end so fourth.

Online marketers-this is a huge area including new marketers, seasoned marketers, marketers in every possible niche as well as specialities such as social media marketing.

professionals at any stage of their career- for example think of law students, brand new lawyers and seasoned lawyers in every area of law and you’ve got a hundred possibilities for mastermind groups in single profession.

What’s So Great About a Mastermind Group?

if your personality, knowledge and success is the average of the five people you associate with most, it just makes sense that people in a mastermind group will enjoy more success and do it faster than those who are going it alone.

I’m remainded of a certain Irish marketer who participates in a $100,000 a year mastermind Group He is found to telling the story of how one Idea he got from this group yileaded him a multiple 7 figure income and no doubt you’ve hard stories, too, of how mastermind groups have been the catalyst that propelled interpreneurs from nothing to ultra- successful, sometimes even selling their businesses and rating after just a few years.

The chronicles of Narnia and The Lord of the rings luckily never would have been written if not for an English mastermind Group of writers and poets that included CS lewis, JRR Tolkien, Charles Williams and on Barfield.

President Theodore Roosevelt felt out of his depth when he entered office at the age of 42 the youngest age ever for an American President.He needed help working with much older and more experienced politicians so he created a mastermind group for guidance support and help.

No doubt you’ve hard of Henry ford, Thomas Edison, President Warren G, Harding and Harbe Firestone, but did you know they where all in the same mastermind group and called themselves the Vagabonds?”
It’s truly amazing hot can be accomplished when you’re in a mastermind group.

What Are the Benefits of a Mastermind Group?

That’s going to depend on the particular group, but in general….

1: support
Members have a group of people who help them to succeed how valuable is it to have a group of like minded people cheering you know and giving you ideas to become successful? It’s no understatement
to say that a mastermind often makes the difference between success and failure.

2: Resources and Connections.
If a group has 10 members, and if each member has 20 powerfull knowledgeable or influential contacts, then each member of the group now has potentially 200 contacts to help their business grow.if you weren’t born into a family with vast resources and contacts, a mastermind group might be the next best thing.

3: Ideas.

They say two heads ate better than one and ten are better than two. A mastermind group can give you new ideas, different perspectives and crucial feedback and you don’t even have to be in identical businesses.for example, what’s working for all marketer in a particular niech can often be applied to many other nieches as well.

4: accountability.

A mastermind group keeps its members inspired and accountable to achieve their goals. There’s nothing like knowing your fellow members except you to implement what you decided upon in the last session and report back your results in next session to keep you moving forward.

5: Shortcuts.

Mastermind members possess skills and ideas that took years to develop, yet they can share them with you in minutes.

6: Partnerships.

you may find other members in your group with complementary businesses with which to partner on a single venture or even and ongoing basis.

How much do people pay to be in mastermind groups?

While there are no hard and first rules on the low end $ 500 a year to be in amastermind group of beginners or non business pupil is some hot common on the high and I know of to mastermind groups of online marketers us that each charge$100,000 a year. This are wrong by invention only and while the intenrence fee since high members report the entrance fee pays for itself many times over.

It wouldn’t surprise me a bit if there are a handful of mastermind groups that charge a million dollars a year ans whose members are all billionaires or aspiring billionaires.

How much you charge will depend on a variety of tractors, including what kind of group it is and how much expertise your members bring to the table.And keep in mind,other is nothing stopping you from starting as many mastermind groups as you can comfortably handle.

Psychological Hack for Getting More Done.

Psychological Hack for Getting More Done.

In the 70’s they did an experiment to see if the some college students who turned in their assignments on time also had clean shock.(No joke-they seriously did this)

The hypothesis was that people who got their schoolwork done would be the same people who got their personal chores done as well .But the results where the opposite of what they expected.

students who turn assignments in on time where tribal about keeping up with their laundry, and students who kept up with laundry turned in their assigments late. What has happening?

Researcherslater released that we only have a certain amount of attention and will power we can pay during any one day. If we first pay that attention and willpower to doing laundry .We feel depleted before getting homework done. If we do the homework first,we tend to put off doing laundry for another day or even another week.

In a second experiment, people were left alone in a room with cookies. some of them where allowed to eat the cookies while others weren’t. Both groups were then given an extremely difficult puzzle to solve.

Those who were allowed to eat the cookies along with a control group who never saw any cookies spend an average of 20 minutes working on the puzzle.But those who had to practice willpower by not eating the cookies only spend 8 minutes working on the puzzle because they would already spent much of their willpower.

If you go to a mall and give people simple math problems to solve , those who have spent a long time shopping will give up on the simple math problem much faster than those who just walked into the mall and haven’t been shopping yet.

understanding what these experiments mean for you can completely change how you plan your work and how much you can accomplish in a day and in your life . Each of us has a finite amount of willpower each day. And eat gates depleted as we use it. And here’s another surprise: we use the same stock of willpower for ALL tasks, regardless of what they are or how important or unimportant they might .
Small home business ideas.

We don’t have laundry willpower homework willpower, cookie willpower and math willpower….we just have one amount of universal will power that we are given each morning when we wake up .

If you think you lack willpower to exercise after work, it’s more luckly that you used up all of your power at work and have none left. Exerciseing before work will solve your best home business to start.

If you decide to go grocery shopping before you get your work done, you’ll use up your will power making hundreds of little decisions on what to buy and what not to buy.that’s why when you get home from the store you might find yourself wasting time on the internet or television , because you have no more willpower for doing real work.Home business opportunity.

If you do your creative work first thing when you get up in the morning instead of putting it off to the end of the day, you’re going to get a lot more accomplished.

There are ways you can conserve your willpower and attention so that you have more of it for your important work . For example,you can prepare the same foods for each meal so that you don’t have to decide each day what to make. Better Steel, you can pay someone to prepare a works worth of meals for you. If you don’t understand how willpower works, this may seem like an expensive option. But when you eliminate the attention, decision making and will power needed to shop for and prepare 21 meals a week and instead use it on your work, you will luckyly make for more money then you spend on the start your own home business.

Much like Steve Jobs,you can wear the same style of clothes each day so that you don’t have to decide what to wear.Steve Jobs would garv a pair of jeans and a back turtleneck each day without expanding any of his attention and willpower on hot to work from home business.

Don’t check your email in the morning. Reading a hundred subject lines, reply to 30 emails, tremendous amount of decision making, attention and willpower that could be better spent doing the work that makes you money.

Any unimportant task that you can eliminate or delegate will reduce the number of decisions you have to make and the amount of willpower you expand each day, leaving more willpower and attention for your main focus. You’ve no doubt hard disk technique of priortization referenced as the”highest use of your time”.

A $5,000 an hour professional does not spend 5 hours a week cleaning her home. Why would she,when she can hire someone at $ 20 an hour to do that for her? She is still able to $ 4,980 an hour employing the maid while doing her own work. But if she spends 5 hours cleaning her own home, she has lost $ 25,000 in revenue. Or to put it another way , she spends $ 25,000 a week cleaning her home, which is ridiculous at best and incredibly stupid at worst.

Here are the only three takeaways you need to revolutionize your life and double or even triple how much you start a c
home business.

1. Eliminate every little job and decision you can, free up willpower and attention for what is important. Get someone to clean your house, cook your meals,run errands and so forth,Get rid of anything that takes time and attention but doesn’t provide you with a good return for your time.these might mean eliminating obligations such as being on a committee for a non priority cause, quitting a hobby that doesn’t give you satisfaction, simplifying your home and belongings, simplifying your wardrobe and so forth.print at home business cards.

2. Start your day doing the most important thing following by the second most important and so forth. These might mean you first exercise, then perform the highest value work task, then the second highest value work task, etc.How to start a home business

3. While we didn’t cover this,it is important to find something you completely enjoy that is totally un related to hot you normally do. In other words, get a hobby you thoroughly
love and spend a little time on it at the end of the day. This will take you out of the work realm, reduce stress, give you satisfaction and make it easier to get up tomorrow and jump right into your most important task of the day.

Weird Case Study of Amazon Book Trading Business Earns Up to 6 Figures From Home.

Weird Case Study of Amazon Book Trading Business Earns Up to 6 Figures from Home.

when I first head this one I dismissed eat as something that couldn’t possibly make all that much money. I was wrong.

Here’s what a friend of (mine we will call her Beth) is doing with Amazon to currently clear severaly$100 a day and quit possibly rich the six figure mark this year.

She is in a nutshell, buying and selling books.

But that’s not hunting storage or yard sales to do this in fact, she never leaves home. She has 2 to methods she use that go hand in her sometimes clearing over dollar 1000 PER BOOK.

Beth’s first method takes advantage of the fact that most Amazon shoppers hot to use their prime account to get free. First shipping because of this,they will often pay for more for an item then they need to.

She looks for new and used books (HINT: text books work really will for this!)that have a large prime price tag and a much similar price if you buy it directly from the seller for example,she should me a textbook that is selling for $ 170 on prime and $12 Plus$ 3.99 shipping directly from the cheapest seller.

There were actually a couple dozen copies selling for dollar 50 or less, she buys of all of the cheaper copies sheeps them to Amazon and then sales them through Amazon prime for much larger prices.

I know, this sounds like needles in haystacks, except to say that she perfected eat on rainy afternoon when she had nothing else to do.

She also searches other book sides beyond Amazon,and she says that sum of her very best deals come from purchasing books from other sites and then selling them on Amazon.

That’s the first half of her business. The second half is weirder steel.

if you have ever looked closely at Amazon book listing you have seen that little box on the right of some listing that say.”do you have one to sale”? Amazon will pay you to send them books that they can then sell. But there’s what’s so weird.

there are times when you can buy used books from Amazon sellers for a lot less than Amazon is willing to pay for the books. And when you tell Amazon you have a book to sell they lock the price for 25 days.These gifts you time to receive the book you purchased and send it on to Amazon. If the price Amazon is willing to pay goes up in this period,you cancel the price you were going to receive and get the new hair one.

You can buy more than one copy of a book and trade it in.you can also find cheaper books on other book sites and then sale those to Amazon. You can also find other websites that will sometimes (often?) Pay more than Amazon.

Here’s another weird fact: every books site that buys books pays you in cash except for Amazon. They pay In gift cards. That seems like a flaw in the system.right?But Beth uses this gift cards to buy more cheap books that can be resold at higher prices, making even more profit. Gift cards may also save you on taxes but you didn’t hear that from me. Consult your tex person.

Beth handles the books herself-bahut incoming and outgoing by purchasing a scale and a thermal postage printing machine that makes everything simple and easy. But I understand there are also third party process centres that will handle the books for you for a fee. These includes both receiving the books from individual sellers and packaging them up to send to the book websites of your choosing.

: And there you have it:A weird little arbitrage book Business that almost anyone can do. The downsites as I see it are you need money Up front to get started because you’ll be purchasing books. The more money you have the faster you can build your business.

Also , if you’re selling books to individuals . you will have to sometimes wait to make the sales. That’s fun, though,because you never know now many sales you might wake up to each morning. If you’re interested in this,start with books you know sell for high prices such as text books and branch out from there.It could be a great way to make your mortgage payment each month, aur possibly even build a full time five five or six figure income.

Best Proven Idea to Make Quick Money Online.

If you’re in the IM niche, you probably get the same emails I do asking “I need to make money YESTERDAY, what do you recommend?
Or maybe you need some extra money for a project you’re working on right now, or you’ve got an unexpected bill.

Here’s a method I sometimes suggest for earning a quick $500 or $1000, and what people seem to like about it is how simple and straight forward it is.

Ask yourself what skills and knowledge you possess right now. Maybe you can write really well, or you’re good at building WordPress sites, Maybe you you’re a graphic artist, or a photographer or videographer. Maybe you’ve got great people skills and you can act as an affiliate manager or set up joint ventures. Perhaps you can coach people on how to do something specific, or teach them how to find the perfect virtual assistant. I guarantee you have at least one skill or piece of knowledge that others are willing to pay for.

“But I don’t have a skili,” Really? Then you need to find dynamite outsources who do have skills you can market. You must find something that others are willing to pay for, and that’s usually a skill and sometimes simply a piece of very valuable knowledge.

Once you’ve identified your skill, set up a web page offering that skill for hire. A simple blog site will do, preferably on our own domain. Check out other similar websites to get ideas on how to set yours up.

Find blogs that are relevant to your skill and allow quest bloggers. For example, if you’re really good at writing engaging blog posts, find blogs about old cars. These blogs should have a bare minimum of 5,000 readers a month, and be sure they already allow guest posting.

Now write articles that provide awesome content for these blogs. Study each blog and write an article just for them that solves a problem or tells how to do something that is totally relevant to your particular skill. For example, if your skill is article writing, you’re going to tell them how to write the perfect article, if your skill is photographing products, then that’s what you’ll teach. Don’t worry about giving away all your secrets – some people would much rather hire a professional than do the work themselves, Link back to your website in the author’s box.

Don’t know if you spotted it, but there is a flaw in the steps above and here it is.

It can sometimes take WEEKS to get your guest blog post published. How do you speed up the process? One way is to link whatever you are written about with something that is current in the news, preferably in the last 12 to 45 hours. You might need to get a little creative here but if you can pull it off then blog owners will be racing to publish your post. For example, if you’re a sales letter copywriter and the FTC just handed down new rules for what you can and cannot say in your sales copy you’re golden.

Another trick for getting published quickly is to provide dynamite graphics, pictures or even infographics to go with your article. In fact, your infographic could even BE your article. And don’t forget to politely make a good case to the blog owners on why they should consider publishing your article as quickly as possible.

Continue writing articles and getting them published until the orders start coming in or your phone starts raining.

The entire process could take as little as 48 hours or as long as 10 days, depending on how fast you get those first blog posts published.

Added benefit – you’ll make more business connections which can continue to benefit you in the future.

Why You Should Email Your List Every Day?

I’m not sure why I’m still getting pushback on how often to email your list. My answer is daily or even more often if you’ve got a good reason but a lot of marketers out there ‘know’ that the’ rule’is to email 3 times per week. Expect… It’s not.

Picture your favorite sexy movie star, whoever that might be. Imagine that every day that sexy movie star emails you a new picture of themselves -naked.

Would you think they are mailing too often ?
Doubtful. I’m going to guess you would be eagerly anticipating that next emails and opening it with delight.

DISCLAIMER :Do not send ypur list naked pictures of yourself. That was just to Prove the point that point that if your Emails are interesting enough., people will welcome them every day.

If your email contain tomorrow ‘winning lottery numbers or hot stock picks, will they get opened? You bet.

But your emails are lame, boring or worse. Then what happened? People say you’re emailing too often because they aren’t interested in what you’re sending them
Think about how to make your email content more like a hot stock pick or a naked movie star and less about boring stuff no one cares about. Then you can email as often as you like.

As always, learn to live with unsubscribes because you’re going to get people u subscribing no matter how frequently or infrequent you mail Don’t worry about it.

And one more thing… If you are still skeptical about the value of emailing every day, do this test :Take a look at how much you earned from your list in the last 30 days. Now email daily for the next 30 days and compare totals6. You’ll notice a big difference.

Customers but when they are ready. Thinking you can send one or two emails and get all the potential sales out there is naive at best. You’ve got to keep reminding them of why they want to buy and do it in a way that makes them want to read your emails.

Tell order, right? But you know your niche and you know what makes them tick and what best grabs their interest. Now use that special insider knowledge and email your list something engaging every single day!

Can You Really Earn $5000 +Per Month Selling Older Affiliate Products This Way?

In the online marketing world programs typically are promoted hard for a few days or weeks once they launch after that, marketers and affiliates alike tend to move on to the next hot thing. This opens up a huge opportunity for anyone willing to do a little egg work And this can work in Multiple niche – not just online marketing.

One gel I know (I’ll call her Betsy for our purposes) watches her favorite marketers to see what products they create. She know the products are high quality because she knows these particular product creators and is family with their work.

Once a product seller is no longer actively promoting a product – which can generally take to 6 months – Betsy contracts them and a they can do a deal. Sometimes she buys the rights to the product and thus gets to sell it for any price she chooses and keep 100% of her sales

Other times she negotiates a deal for her customers – a steep discount they can only get by purchasing through her.

And third, Betsy will some times put together a package deal of 2 or more products, either from the same or different product creators, and these package deals tend to do really well.

She builds her list by advertising that she offers steep discounts on popular programs as well as many freebies, too.

And that’s a good point _she is highly generous with one problem – one solution reports, generating about one per week and giving them away to her list. Of course, each report also promotes a discounted program, so there is a method to her generosity. I don’t know how much she’s earning doing this, but I suspect it is far, far in excess of the $5,000 a month I mentioned above.

This model could also work with anything that can be discounted, including services, tangible products and so forth, It’s a nice little business and I’d estimate she only spends about 2 hours day on it I think anyone can use this income strategy. How about you?
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