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Want a 5- Figures Per Month SIDE Business?

Want a 5 Figures Per Month SIDE Business?

I’ve seen three different marketers doing a variation of this business, all with the same result there are a very minimum of $5000/month and usually 2 to 3 times that much.

Two of them are completely unknown marketers who are quietly doing this in their spare time. The third marketer is a fairly big name, and adds are you’ve heard of him. He doesn’t do any of this work himself. He simply outsources the whole thing and brings in over $10,000 dollar a month in profit doing it .

All three of them do this business in the online marketing niche. Essentially, they are helping new Market us to quickly have a money generating business of their own by building it for them. No doubt you’ve seen these business in a box packages you can purchase that contain a product a sales page and so forth right? You put your own name on them upload them to your site and start promoting.

There’s nothing wrong with these, and if you have your own list, you can often make good money with them.But these marketers have taken things a step further by creating a unique business in a box for each customer. These are generally one of a kind and even include list.

Here’s how it works?

They start by creating a unique funnel complete with a squeeze page high value free gift and unique upsell product.The free gift is usually a plugin, because they’ve a higher perceived value than a report.You can find plugins with giveaway rights available all over the internet, Buying the rights usually about$37 -47 and then you are free to give it away to your heart’s content.

You can get a coder to reband tweak and/or rename the plugin, usually for$100 or less. This is optional but again, it makes your package unique from anything else out there.

The upsell product is made from good PLR don’t skimp on this.

The cost of the content will be perhaps$150 if you rework it yourself, and twice that you have hire someone to do it for you.Since you’re going to price the upsell at around $47, you want the Product to look and feel like it is worth at least that much if not more.In other words, make sure it doesn’t look like PLR.

Once the squeeze page and upsell are set up on a domain. it’s time to spend about $250 to purchase,1,000 solo ad clicks.Send them to your squeeze page.

Your goal here is three-fold.

> Start building a list.

> Establish that the squeeze page and upsell convert.

> Make some money on the upsell.

Front 1,000 solo ad clicks you should hopefully get about 300 new subscribers. Maybe 10 of those will buy the upsell, bringing you about $470 . That’s covered some of your costs right there.

Once you’ve done this, it’s time to cash in.You’re going to flip the entire funnel to one buyer.You can use Flippa.Warrior Forum or any of the site flipping websites out there.

You’re offering a proven funnel with a list,a proven squeeze page and a proven upsell page complete with the lead magnet and the product. This is VALUABLE because it’s proven and because it’s unique. Bonus points if you’ve chosen a great name of the URL, lead magnet and upsell.

Once you master how to do this things (and they’re not difficult)you can probably build 3 of these a month all by yourself and still have plenty of time to do other things too.

And you can flip these packages for $2,500 to $7,500 each. Not bad for a part time business.

$ 3,500 a Month from Newsletter Curation .

$ 3.500 a Month from Newsletter Curation.

I told you lately how much I love recurring income? Here’s case study about a guy who has not one,but four different newsletters that he puts or out twice per monnth.

10 are super simple newsletters that contain all the latest staff he’s found on the internet about the topics. How in the world does he find all the latest news, articles, blog posts, stories, video clips, photos and so forth?

Google alerts.

Yup, it’s that easy.

he creates a dozen or so Google alerts for keywords and for each niche and Google spoon feeds him all of his content for free, in some cases he ask for permission to reprint a post or article. For other things he simply rewrites it into his own words.and even more often he’ll provide an intro and then a link to the video, article or whatever.

Seriously, this does not take a lot of time or brain power. He is strong point is he choses topics that he’s interested in so that it never becomes boring to him.

I asked him if I could share his newsletter topics with you,but he was pretty farm in saying no, But what I can tell you is all 4 of them are not things you might think of off the top of your head and that makes sense.

The big topics are already covered on millions of websites, videos, articles, magazines and so forth.

It’s the little sub-niche specialized topics where people are carving more info and not wanting or even knowing how to hunt it down themselves.

I’ll give you and example. Cats and dogs are everywhere. No on really needs to subscribe to a Newsletter to read articles on cats and dogs.But sloths…now their a much similar niche that isn’t covered nearly as much as more popular pets. Aur how about iguanas? Sugar gliders? Or tarantulas.

If you insist on choosing a big niche, then sub niche it down. Instead of cats, focus on the care of cats with a certain illness (diabetes, kidney disease,etc.) Or a certain breed of cat.

What should you charge for a curated Newsletter? In most niche.$ 10 or less works well.these makes it super easy for people to sign up and there’s almost no incentive to stop the subscription.

Let your readers spend you articles and photos of their own of your newslater. Put in a classified and section, too. People think it’s hard to create a newsletter,but the fact is you don’t even need to have an original thought to do it. Between qurated content from the internet and submissions from your readers, all you have to do is assemble the newsletter, save it to PDF and send it out to your subscribers. You don’t even need a membership site to do this.

Don’t want to do a Newsletter? Create a podcast or video subscription instead.

you can get new subscribers by striking deals with blogs and least owners in the noche. Because these are similar noches,its for easier to get people to male for you for a small fee or sometimes even for free if the really love your Newsletter.

This is a model that will never die, takes a minimum of work and even build you a list. You can promote products to your least above and beyond the Newsletter.in many natures the money you make from promoting products will double your income from subscriptions,so why not?

And by the way, that$3.500 a month figures is from just on of his newsletters. Remember, he’s got 4 of them.

Make a list of topics that interest you, no matter how worried or even obscure. Shoose on that has an active audience you can reach. Create a sample newsletter, contact pupil in the niche and get your first subscribers. This almost sounds too easy, doesn’t it? Then again, many of the best ideas are the simple ones.

Simple Business Models You Like to Write

Simple Business Models You Like to Write.

There’s a gal I know who never, ever promoters affiliate products to her list..she simply won’t do it, instead, she only promotes her own products.

Every day she writes and sends out a new email to her list.

And for 3 to 5 says she’ll promote just one product. Then when she’s done promoting that one, she’ll move on to the next one for 3 to 5 days.she’s continually creating new product and she also promotes the same products multiple times.

Let’s say she’s got 20 products. If she pramots each one for 4 days, then she doesn’t repeat a product promotion for 80 days.

She has no complicated autoresponder sequence because she doesn’t need them. And her emails are conversational and fun to read.she shares stories, anecdotes, case studies, humor, news and things that are controversial or edgy.her readers never know what to expect in the next email but they always know it will be entertaining.

Har conversion rates are high, her returns our next to zero and her list loves her because she doesn’t bombard them with affiliate products.

If creating 10 or 20 or more products is scary to you,if might work best to just focus on one at a time and set a goal to create a new one each weak. You could presell them to your list,too, so that you know which on will be hot sellers and which ones you shouldn’t waste your time on.

She also offers, coaching and she does quite well with that, too, it’s simply and other product in her rotation. She also sells a monthly newslette.

And once she’s promoted one of her to the point where it’s not selling as well, she turns around and sales the PLR rights to that product.

people who are new to her list are exposed to all of her products in the first 2 to 3 months. If they don’t buy something the first time, they often buy in the second or third time it’s promoted to them, and she never promotes the same product in the same way. Every email is new and fresh and oftentimes tied to the events of the day.

One thing she doesn’t do that I might suggest is to offer her best selling products to affiliates to sell. But then again, I think she really enjoys the simplicity of her system and doesn’t want to deal with affiliate, so more power to her.

Plus, her list knows that the only way they can access her products is directly through her.

I’m running out of things to tell you about her system because it really is that simple.is you enjoy writing emails and creating products and you don’t want the hasslethis simple system might be exactly what you’ve been looking for and competition of selling affiliate products, these simple system might be exactly what you have been looking for.

Can Jokes Make Good Marketing Emails?

I know firsthand how difficult it can be to continually come up with new topics for your emails. The first 20 are easy. The next 30 aren’t too difficult. The next 50 take work. And once you’ve done a few hundred emails, you’re pretty sure you’re just writing the same things over and over again – most luckily because you are. If you want to keep your emails fresh, interesting and even existing for your readers.then it’s time to step up your game and find something new to offer. Which is why I thought of- jokes .

Because who doesn’t love to hear a joke? Evil if it’s all that makes us groan, we still enjoy the anticipation of seeing weather or not it’s funny. Weather we laugh , and maybe even weather or not it’s good enough to share with others. I know that when I receive and email from an individual or a business that says,”joke enclosed,”I almost always open, because-why not? I need more laughter in my life, and I’ll bet your readers do, too.

So how do you turn a joke into a marketing email?

That is the question?

First, let’s find a joke. I just did a quick search and found this one.,..

“when I asked my 3 year old niece Anna what she wanted for her birthday, all she’d say was reading glasses.”

Thinking it must be some short of preschool fashion trend. I bought her a pair with plain glass lenses. A week later,I pick Anna up from daycare and asked where her glasses were.

“I don’t know,”she replied.”but they don’t work anyway.”

“What do you mean?”I asked.

“Well, I still can’t read,”she sighed,


Okay, I thought it was pretty funny.

How do we sague this into an offer? Let’s use the online marketing niche for our examples:

1. We could say something like,”wouldn’t it be great if you could put on a pair of marketing glasses and suddenly know how to make sales on autopilot? This product is the next closest think because…”

2. Or we could say, “As you see Anna took reading glasses’quiet literally,which is exactly how I want you to take my guarantee on this product.I 100% absolutely, positively guarantee that when you follow the program, this is what will literally happen for you…”

3. Perhaps we might go with,”poor kid. Obviously the glasses didn’t perform like the name,’reading glasses’promised her. Have you ever purchased one of those,”make X money in X days”programs, only to discover that what they really meant was. IF you have a website and IF you have a list and IF you have a product, then this will work?”

“Well with my $10,000 in 30 days program, you don’t need any of that in place. In fact, you can be a total beginner and this program will still perform exactly as the name implies, with no catches and no disappointments,”

4. Last example:”I can’t promise you reading glasses, but I can do one better than that.This course will open your eyes to an entirely different way of thinking and doing business,resulting in you being more excited about your future then you have been since you were Anna’s age.”…

All 4 examples need a little polish but you get the idea.

I took a random joke, typed it out and then came up with 4 segues into offers. Of course,there is no right or wrong way to do this and there are an infinite number of possibilities. In fact, If everyone reading this tried this exercise, we would have thousands of examples and no two would be exactly the same.

Here’s your assignment: go online and find 3 jokes that make you chuckle or even love out loud.copy and paste them into your writing program and then come up with 3 segues into any product you are currently promoting or plan to promote in the future. If you don’t have a product, make one up.

The point is to see that you can indeed use almost anything interesting or entertaining to begin your emails, and then segue that into the message you want to convey. It might not even be to sell something,but rather to teach a tip, make an announcement or simply remind them that you stand ready to help when they need it.

Talking this to the next level:keep a file of everything that catches your eye weather it’s humor news, off- the wall ideas or whatever, and big through this file when you need an opener for your next email to your list.

How to Radically Revitalize Your Business in 30 Days with no Out Pocket Expense.

How to Radically Revitalize Your Business in 30 Days with No Out of Pocket Expense.

Have you ever driving your car onto a frozen lake, parked ,cut a hole in the ice and started fishing?
This might sound like a crazy idea if you’re from a warm climate.Why would you sit there on the ice for hours, freezing yourself silly, waiting for a fish to wake up from its cold slumber and bite your hook?

One way to make this sport more bearable is to build yourself an ice fishing Shanty. About the size of a garden shade this is a small structure that is towed out onto the ice . The structure has one or more trap doors in the floor where you can use an auger to cut through the ice.

You can furnish these Shanties with comfortable chairs and propane heater just don’t get your shanty so warm that it melts into the ice or worse yet-through the ice.

“What in the hack does this have to do with email marketing?

Maybe nothing,but let me continue…..

A couple in Princeton,Minnesota decided they’d, rather have chicken eggs then fish, and so they converted their ice fishing shanty into a chicken coop. They added nesting boxes to accommodate 80 chickens and use the trap doors to clean out the old bedding and chicken poop before moving the structure-on wheels-to a new location.when a chicken hack appears in the sky, the chickens can dive under their chicken coop for safety .

Really, I think this is a much better use for the ice Shanti then sitting in the cold for hours hoping a fish has had enough living and is ready to the fry pan.

If you’ve been doing online marketing for any length of time then I’ll bet right now you have assets that you aren’t using fully. it’s just a matter of identifying those assets and converting them into a better, higher use.

For example ,do
you have….

. Old email lists?
. Social media followers?
. Products you’ve created but no longer sale?
. Content that is languishing with no readers?
. Special knowledge you’ve gained on how to do certain things?
. PLR products you’ve purchased but not used?

any of these assats and loads of others I didn’t list can be reparposed to increase your business. Think about it….if an old ice Shanty can find new life housing 80 chickens couldn’t you…..

. review your old email lists by sending a 30 day campaign of emails people want to read?

. Start a new coordinated Campion to bring your social media followers to your website, your squeeze pages your products?
. Update and the purpose your existing content into audios, videos new posts books and so forth?
. Take your own specialized knowledge and term it into new posts, lead magnets and products?
. Dig out those PLR products you purchased find the gold and reporpose those into content and products, too?

You might want to take inventory of everything you have, weather it’s languishing on your website, on your hard drive or in your memory and make a list. Then after each item,think of five ways you can reproach and reuse it to either build your audience or make more sales.

If you’ve been doing online marketing for any real length of time,then I’ll bet you and ice -fishing shanty that you have thousands of dollars in assets going to waste right now. The challenge is to identify them, decide on a course of action and then get busy.

This Stupid Mistake Will Cost You Money.

This Stupid Mistake Will Cost You Money.

Don’t even second guess when I tell you that an abundance of typos on your sales page will create doubt in your prospect… They’ll suspect you have no clue what you’re Home business opportunity.

Further, they may suspect you are a fly-by-nighter, someone who threw a site up to garb sales and then disappear like vapor in a storm.

Yes, we all make typos- including and maybe specially me. But I take great pains not to make them on sales pages, for good start your own home business.

Recently I was intrigued by an email promising to build a news site that would generate an income for me, Okay, I no what you are thinking already yeah. Right, Sure it will.

But hot the heck,… I clicked the link, scrolled down a bit, and there’s the first paragraph I read.

Last Trending News:-Work from home business.

Your News Dashboard Bring to You The Last News to Easy Click and Post. You Can Pin the News with One More Click to Make Your Post Best home business to start.

How many errors did you find in this tiny bit of copy?

I found 6 or 7, depending on how you count them,

It should read …

Latest Trending News:
Your News Dashboard Brings to You the Latest News to Easily Click and Post. You Can Pin the News with One More Click to Make Your Posts How to start a care home business.

Even then the writing is terrible.

Yes,English is obviously there second language but they couldn’t spare a 100 bucks to get someone
to check their copy for them?

Sale lost: Home business ideas.

Lesson learned: Typos in sales letters can and will lower your conversion rates. Go the extra mile to avoid them, and always have at least one additional set of careful eyes look over your pages before going live .Print at Home Business Cards.

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