Home Business Ideas and Opportunities

How to Make Money NOT Selling Products??

Okay, obviously you are selling products… But then again,you’re not you’re selling something may more valuable let me explain….

Think about…. You’ve never woken wanting a 12- video course and neither have your customers.but penalty of people wake up wanting to finally solve their problem that day. They want a solution they can believe in. They want one that makes sense to them and isn’t pie-in-the-sky bullsh***

And there’s the twist. The solution your customers want isn’t always hot you think it is.

Do you think your own weight customer wants to lose weight?

Nope . Hot she wants is for her clothes to, do not get wounded walking up the stairs and for her husband to look at her like he used to when they were dating.

Do you think your financially challenged customer wants to make money?

Nope. He wants to stop walking up in a cold soyed at 3:00 a.m. because he has no idea how he’s going to pay the mortgage or how he’s ever going to be able to retire.

Do you think your kid-client wants to learn material arts.

Nope . He wants to be able to walk on to the school yard without fear of being bullied, and he wants his friends to look up to him, too.

most marketers who think there in the business of selling products can’t figure out why their sales are lousy.

Quick Story: 10 markers are all competing to sale there”Make Money FAST and EASY” productions.

9 of them talk about the money. Mentions, fancy cars. Supermodel girlfriends or boyfriends. Living life on a beach with room service or owning a yacht you know_the kind of stuff 99% of people can’t even relate to.

On of them talks about enjoying life_a normal life of owning a home, staying home with the kids and never going into the office again, he talks about working lace and living life on your own terms.

9 of this marketers are doing charm and burn marketing because dear products don’t turn people into millionaries overnight like they say they do.

1 of these marketers is making an awesome living without stress.he doesn’t have to worry about customers complaining that they didn’t get to buy the yacht after one week because he never makes promises like that. He gives them the solutions the seek and he does it in a realistic way that they can believe will work for them.

sale a solution that makes since to your customers using their own reasons for buying it and yourself will go through the roof.

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