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Hate Testing Your Funnel? Do This Instead..

Hate Testing Your Funnel ? Do This Instead.

You already know that the better funnel converts ,the more money you can make. You can spend more on advertising or pay more in affiliate commission and still make tons of money. The trick, of course, is getting your sales funnel to convert well. And to do that, you need to test …. well… everything.
You need to test the sales copy that brings someone to your squeeze page, the copy on the page, the look of the page, the title of the freeble you’re giving away, the cover of that freeble, the offer they see when they subscribe, the upsell offer after that (if there is one ) and so forth.

You .Must. Test. Everything. Which is time consuming and costly. Beacuse it could be days or weeks before you even manage to break even,much less start earning a profit–if you ever do at all.

But there is a massive shortcut that some people aer taking, and I would be remiss if I didn’t at least tell you about it.
We could debate the ethics on this but we won’t. I leave that up to you. The fact is, people do this in every single industry all the time. So it is nothing new. What is new is that the average Joe or Jane marketer doesn’t think to do this.
And if you haven’t guessed yet, I’m talking about modeling another marketer’s business. That is, replicating someone els’e sales techniques and processes. You’d be surprised how many people already do this in one form or another.
I’ve even seen marketers take pride when their own funnels have been modeled .And no, it’s not coyping. At least,not if it’s done correctly.
The idea isn’t to copy the text or even same products. Rather, it’s to model in terms to design, options presented, layout, pricing, nomber of upsells and downsells and so forth.
Your handlenes might be the same colour, size and font. But it’s YOUR headline. Your video might be in the same location on the page, but it’s YOUR video. You’re selling your own prdocts, not theirs.
Your sales copy will different. Your bullet points will be defferent. Your key benefits and so fort will be different. But things like the layout of sales pages, fonts and so forth aren’t copyrighted.

Dose a green “buy now” button work better then a red one ?
Dose a centered black headline in Verdana that asks a provocative question do better than a red headline on the right in Tacoma that makes a bold statement?
Dose having the opt in box avobe the fold convert better than having a long list of b=bullets and opt in box beneath the fold?
There are 1001 decisions to be made when creating a new sales funnel. But emulating a funnel that is already proven to work can make the process a whole lot easier. And faster, too.
Big time marketers can literally spend tens of thousands os dollars on traffic to test what converts best. But by emulating there funnels(not copying) you can get a leg up on what working.
How do you know which funnels are working the best in your niche? If you’re in the IM field,you can check their stats in JVZoo, Warrior Plus and Click Bank. In other niches, Click Bank can be a reliable indicator, as well as paying attention to which products you wouldn’t be paying to promote these products.
One last thing….. this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t still test. Since this is your own funnel with your own copy and your own products , testing will give you a ton of info on how to raise your conversions as much as possible. But by emulating a proven funnel as the foundation to your system, you get to take a massive shortcut that will have you in profit that much faster.

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