Home Business Ideas and Opportunities

Archive | December, 2022

How to Gain a Big Audience for Your Blog?

Planty of bloggers like to write about their thoughts, their day or crazy thing that happened to them on the way to the zoo.but this type of blogging is generally more for fun then for profit.TO MAKE SIGNIFICANT MONEY WITH YOUR BLOG.You’ll want to focus on keyword phrases and questions your target audience is actively searching for at this time.
When you help people love problems through free and valuable content that is relevant to your business.you reach larger Audiences and build trust.The best part is you get the opportunity to show people how your products and services can help them solve their problems and fulfill their desires and needs.

Let say that you’re a real estate agent.You potential clients aren’t looking for your recipe for apple pie, the award you won last week or even the number of those you sold this month.What they do want is their questions answered.

#”How do you buy a house?”

#”What credit score is needed to get financing for a house?*

# “What is the Best way to invest in real estate with 10% down?”

# “How do I know I’M buying in a good neighborhood?”

#. “What are the easiest ways to increase the selling price of my home?”

Find out what real estate prospects want to know, and then use those exact questions for your titles.Give helpful info in the blog posts to get you a call to further answer their questions.

These types of posts can rank, You’ll be getting free, consistent traffic from Google.

This works in just about any and every niche you can think of and it’s an
easy way to demonstrate your authority while building an audience that is super receptive to your offers and services.

Here’s how you can take this knowledge and double the impact :Use the same approach for your You Tube videos . YouTube is similar to ranking on Google.

Choose keyword phrases and questions that match what people are looking for on YouTube.Create videos with those titles that are packed with great info and invite your viewers to visit your website, subscribe to your list or take the action you seek.

Using this method and being consistent will yield powerful results :Free targeted traffic, building your authority with your new viewers and readers, along with gaining a steady stream of new subscribers and questions.
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